higher dimensional beings theory

They could probe us without any forewarning. We think the geometry of a four-dimensional Euclidean space is logically consistent. In addition, higher dimensional beings have little or no awareness of what it is like to be a lower dimensional being. After all, higher dimensional objects cannot directly interact with lower dimensional objects, eg: we cannot physically deform a drawing of a two-dimensional square. This is what we should be looking at. At the center of this conceptual revolution is the idea that our familiar three dimensional universe is "too small" to describe the myriad forces governing our universe. They sometimes have an interest in engaging with 3rd density beings, such as humans. All previous to a higher level, Enhanced Senses, Incorporeality, Magic, Reality Warping, Resurrection, Abstract Existence (Type 1), Higher-Dimensional Existence, Avatar Creation, Non-Physical Interaction, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation (Can manipulate Kakera, which contain infinite possibilities and higher dimensions), Shapeshifting, Teleportation, Reactive Evolution and Adaptation (All of . The Creator itself is an infinite, unknowable mystery, 2. Dossey highlights the distinction between higher spatial dimensions and parallel universes. Higher Dimensional Beings. What would it look like if a three-dimensional being traversed two-dimensional space? The primary consciousness of this dimension is the higher Animal Kingdom and the Human Kingdom. The NASA Web site has a somewhat dated article called "The Science of Star Trek", by physicist David Allen Batchelor (5 May 2009), which considers some of the implementations in Star Trek. Fig. Answer (1 of 2): No. A unitary human being is an "irreducible, indivisible, pan dimensional (four-dimensional) energy field identified by pattern and manifesting characteristics that are specific to the whole and which cannot be predicted from knowledge of the parts" and "a unified whole having its own distinctive characteristics which cannot be perceived by . Each simulation has a programmer, so if professor Gates is right, that means that all religions that claim a Higher Being was the creator of all things are also right. The perspective of beings who communicate about the nature of reality coming from higher dimension than ours is vastly more encompassing, requiring a language we have long forgotten and 3. One-dimensional graph theory does not capture the distinction between a single 4-person conversation and six 2-person conversations. String theory is another model of physics, where instead of dots, particles are actually tiny strings, all vibrating together to create size and mass. And also in the M theory… the 2 membranes or whatever that created th "bang". There was a small pond where the thing crashed according to her. Furthermore, being non-dicritical implies that there are only finitely many separatrices through a singular point. your new point. The two most popular such models are hypergraphs [DW80] and simplicial sets [Atk74]. From the three-dimensional perspective, imagine a point P at the . Pseudoscientists lean heavily on the assumption that their readers will know absolutely nothing about science or math. I am a higher dimensional being who sees truths from beyond the limitations of time and physical space. The Diagram shows a crude model of the dimensions. Note that when our two dimensional being lays the two disks flat out in , there are two ways that they can be laid down.First, both disks can simply be flattened onto .If this is done, then a vector pointing out of the sphere on the lower hemisphere will be pointing down from , and a vector pointing out of the sphere on the upper hemisphere will be pointing up on . This is a pretty safe assumption, alas. And it requires no effort on the part of the pseudoscientist, because he also invariably knows no science or math either. The third dimension involves depth (the z-axis), and gives all . to lower dimensional beings. The astral body is of a higher vibration than the physical body, it one higher octave in frequency. For example, in Newton's second law, , and are both vectors, but they can be vectors in any number of dimensions. In 2003, philosopher Nick Bostrom postulated that the universe is a computer simulation, a theory accepted by Elon Musk and Neil deGrasse Tyson. According to their 'brane' theory - 'brane' being short for 'membrane' - what we normally call our Universe might be embedded in a vastly bigger five-dimensional space, a kind of super-universe. Bernard Weiner's Three-Dimensional theory of attribution assumes that people try to determine why we do what we do. But as a mathematician, playing with only 3 dimensions is limiting, Dr. Henry Segerman laments. There are a number of theories about attribution. The Third Dimension - Physical Reality of the Conscious Being. All beings are multi-dimensional, including humans. There have been many declassified FBI documents relating to UFO activity, and at least one refers to "beings" from another dimension to ours. Any being capable of manipulating those smaller dimensions could do a lot of different things that would be completely invisible from the perspective of a larger 3D being not capable of se. If there are higher dimensional beings — four dimensions, for example — we could only experience three dimensions of those beings in our world. 2. They tend to differ from non-human negative entities (below) in that they each have an individual soul. What is interesting about the document is that it is dated 8 th July 1947 - the same date as the Roswell UFO incident. You will be able to trust . Fifth Dimensional Being. Take the 10th dimension as God's view of how it is. Traditionally there have been two separate communities working in the area, using tools from analytic number theory and algebraic geometry, respectively. Now take Lucifer's viewppoint of how he wants it. These are beings whose consciousness is centred in the 4th density and higher. Within this super-space, ours might be just one of a whole array of co-existing universes, each a separate 4D bubble within a wider . We present, without any assumption, a class of electric and magnetic flat horizon -dimension solutions for a specific class of , all of which behave asymptotically as Anti-de-Sitter spacetime.The most interesting property of these solutions is that the higher dimensions black holes, , always have constant electric and magnetic charges in contrast to what is known in the literature. Contrary to how complicated it sounds, the explanation for it is quite simple. Secret dimensions. . That's nine of space and one of time. Note 2: A query that might arise is the existence of lower-dimensional beings in a higher-dimensional plane, and what it implies. The theory of relativity describes our universe as being made up of a four-dimensional spacetime. If higher dimensional beings stick their "fingers . Superstring theory, one of the leading theories today to explain the nature of our universe, contends that there are 10 dimensions. The image at left provides insight on how this might be possible. Or might it even be true, as some have suggested, that we already inhabit such a space, that our 3 . The second-order SUSY transformation on Hx yields its SUSY partner H x, s ( 3 × 3), a 3 × 3 . On April 26, 2017. The same thinking applies to the higher dimensional space. At each moment in the music each of the, say, 24 tracks has a specific volume, defining a point in a 24-dimensional space of sound. But for string theory to be accurate, it means there could be more than 10 dimensions, instead of the four we're used to experiencing: length, width, depth and time. The visual journey begins with the first dimension . Beyond the Cosmos is based upon biblical theology and the scientific theories about string theory and extra dimensions of space and time. extremely di erent! And two gigantic beings (2times as big as a human being) in flames went out and ran towards her. Chronos is so far above the other . The world we live in is strictly 3-dimensional: up/down, left/right, and forwards/backwards, these are the only ways to move. For years, scientists and science fiction writers have contemplated the possibilities of higher dimensional spaces. They sometimes have an interest in engaging with 3rd density beings, such as humans. The . Note 1: A query that might come to mind is the question of how higher dimensional beings can defeat lower dimensional ones. Throughout the 20 th . The theory of higher dimensional space may now become the central piece in unlocking the origin of the universe. 2. In particular, the syntax of Martin-L of type theory appears to impart on the types themselves a variety of weak higher-dimensional structure (cf. God- as a higher-dimensional being- is only omnipotent, omniscient, etc. The Fourth Dimension. The three-dimensional object would appear and disappear, be in more than one place at one time, and seem to break every law of two-dimensional physics. Three (3) characteristics of what it means to be a fifth dimensional being and why you would want to strive to attain such a state. . So, there it is - three Gods in One. "Creatures" that "exist" in a given "dimension" have the advantage of being able to "see" over lower order dimensions. It is the most promising unifying theory in physics today.Though speculative, we can imagine what these higher dimensions will look like. The Third Dimension is where energy congeals into a dark, dense pool of matter. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . In Art, Computers/Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Visualization. Living in a 3-dimensional world, we can easily visualize objects in 2 and 3 dimensions. The book actually has two aims: (i) to serve as an introduction to high-dimensional knot theory, using surgery theory to provide a systematic exposition, (ii) to serve as an introduction to algebraic surgery theory, using high- Attribution Theory explains how we attach meaning to our own, and other people's, behavior. The energetic field that we are immersed in is a field of existence that contains a multitude of realities! To summarize, simply existing in a higher-dimensional space does not classify a character as higher-dimensional in any way. theory, which previously has been largely confined to research and survey papers. Three-Dimensional Theory of Attribution. Teaching about the 4th dimension, physicists have used analogies, like drawings of something called a hypercube, and even the 19th century novella Flatland by Edwin Abbott Abbott. This theory implies that the universe is merely a simulation, like a video game. 3: The third dimension of space. This higher dimension is seen to be heaven, where God dwells, and all events here on earth simply three-dimensional manifestations of that higher . The variety of beings out there which you will become aware of through awakening your Third Eye and spiritual transformation is truly amazing. Which thus prompts me to wonder how a higher-dimensional being would interact with a lower dimensional world, which I mean entering it directly, rather than manipulating it from higher dimensions. Mathematicians regularly work in higher dimensional spaces, but they are not the only ones. The universe would also be finite because all computers have limits. Just as Edwin Abbott's Flatland (1884) imagines a flat, two-dimensional universe in which our three-dimensional perceptual world is beyond comprehension, Granville wants us to leave room for another dimension, one beyond our mortal apprehension. Similar to imagining our Universe (or any three-dimensional space) being enclosed by a two-dimensional boundary, our three-dimensional space may in fact be the boundary around a higher-dimensional . Model of the Multidimensional Universe. Category theory has come to occupy a central position in contemporary mathematics and theoretical computer science, and is also applied to mathematical physics. There are vast unseen and unrecognized realms of existence in the Universe. The array consists of a 5 × 5 main array of evanescently coupled microring lasers (red), coupled with its two dissipative superpartner arrays and three auxiliary partner microrings (blue). Since t. By Anika Radiya-Dixit. The humanoid form is composed of all the elements of the first and second dimensional being, which are: water, minerals, genetic coding, and biological matter, as well as an individual soul. THE THIRD DIMENSION. Higher Dimensions in Physics and Mathematics! philosophy of physics - philosophy of physics - The general theory of relativity: Consider a society of two-dimensional beings living on a surface that is almost perfectly flat. Example 2.20. String Theory states that our reality is a lattice-like structure of higher dimensions stacked on top of lower ones.That humans inhabit a three dimensional reality made from the first two dimensions; length and width, with the 3rd; height, added to them to form 3d time-space. It could be reversed, the physical on the inside, the higher dimensions on the outside, or it could be a flat infinite plane. Higher Dimensional Beings. Unable to perceive a third dimension, the Flatlanders . To study such situations, one must turn from (1-dimensional) graphs to a higher-dimensional model. The densest stratum of this plane contains our own more worldly and material thoughts. Whoever you connect with you will feel extremely supported, safe, secure as the frequency on the planet will be soooooo high that no lower dark energies will be able to survive here. And no knowledge of string theory is required to answer the question. Get free access to over 2500 documentaries on CuriosityStream: https://curiositystream.com/majorprep (use promo code "majorprep" at sign up)STEMerch Store: h. Dimensional tiering is only in the case of one's dimensionality and has nothing to do with the Tiering System, AP, Durability, Speed, etcetera. To be a fifth dimensional being means to have increased awareness and to operate in life from your Soul essence. (This assumes such creatures have some kind of sensory input and processing power, which get. Our problem is that we have forgotten our multi-dimensional nature and have been disconnected from much of ourselves. Human beings and the higher animal kingdom resonates to this level. BUY Daniels audio Books: https://youtu.be/H4C52jhxMwUhttps://danielscranton.com/ BUY VOL 1 BOOK: https://amz.run/4JBy . For example if you're a sound mixer making music you might be working with 12, 24, or even 128 tracks. Consider the foliation on $\mathbb{C}^{3}$ defined by the 1-form Warp Drive. The model does not adequately lend itself for illustration for obvious reason, as we are really dealing with states of consciousness. Answer (1 of 6): The higher dimensions of string theory are all extremely small down near the Planck scale. At each point in the plane, there are the two curled-up dimensions of a sphere. Here's my theory. We, humans, live in a world with three spatial dimensions and the objects we interact with have height, width, and depth. Roughly, it is a general mathematical theory of structures and of systems of structures. Superstring theory has 10 dimensions, M-theory has 11 dimensions . As you tune into this, you will soon realize that you have many beings in higher dimensions that are around you helping you all the time. Some don't care a exist only in the higher dimensions. I use the classic bulk theory, where our universe could be just a 2-D brane in this higher dimension. The reason dimensional tiering is not used for the tiering system is because higher spatial dimensions aren't inherently higher levels of infinity but rather different axis from the 3rd dimension. (The Christ is just one of the billions upon billions of beings who comprise this dimension/entity.) This is the plane of thought or mind. She escaped with her car, but when she told the cops they told her to never tell about it. Indeed, tenth-dimensional beings are, in essence, pure mixtures of the Great Yin and Yang. 11 dimensional? If true, a higher being or beings had to build the simulation. According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, all processes . We start resonating with them and go on our quest to find out more about who we truly are. Here we have a two-dimensional plane viewed at great magnification. Visualizing the Fourth Dimension. all inclusive, everything in it. 1. To a Flatlander, it would appear as a line or shape that is changing color, shape, and size. Human second dimensional consciousness is centered in the lower brain that directs the autonomic nervous system to regulate and maintain life support functions. I am here to enlighten the masses. God number three, The Holy Spirit, is the *unified* field of consciousness of the Tenth Dimension. We see only a small slice of everything that exists — just the tip of the iceberg. The book imagines two-dimensional beings living on a planar world that has only length and width. There are some laws that are usually written in a 3-D form, but that's generally a matter of convenience . The book does not require a degree in science to understand, but it does require the reader to think deeply about the content that is being explained. quite similar but quite different as well. But just as we are becoming more used to the idea of four dimensions, some theorists . . As noted previously, every being and object has an infinite number of dimensional aspects, with most of them being zero. It would be the equivalent of a three-dimensional sphere interacting in a two dimensional world. These are beings whose consciousness is centred in the 4th density and higher. The Fourth Dimension is a gray, polarized plane, housing the forces of Light and Darkness. Fourth dimensional consciousness is the awareness of the astral dimension in the astral body. The New Free Courses by The Chopra Well Guests FREE Feminine Power Breakthrough Ebook https://bit.ly/FreeFemininePowerEbook FREE Feminine Power S. It is the spiritual/ noögenic dimension that is unique to human beings. We learn about universal energies and different frequencies and what ascension truly means: An energetic shift from 3D to 5D by raising our frequencies to a much higher level and transmuting low frequencies . A human being resembles a machine on the physical level and an animal on the Hence, instead of backward-defining the multiverse to be 5 to 11 dimensional based on Superstring Theory, we can say that the real world is a Gigaverse according to Superstring Theory. In reality, which includes math, science, and engineering, dimensions are not places. A Journey To Higher Dimensions Anonymous Coward User ID: 80972743 Australia 10/10/2021 10:36 PM Luckily for us, however, 4-D beings would not be able to survive in a 3 dimensional world, just like 3-D beings wouldn't survive in a world composed of 2 dimensions. A higher dimensional being would have all of the accessibility to us in our world. According to Hyperspace theory, each point in our four-dimensional universe conceals an additional six curled-up dimensions. the viewpoint of a being. It fits with scripture. Idea. In the last ten years are the people being brainwashed? It is interesting to consider God's dimensionality. Multi- Dimensional Beings. An interdimensional being (also extra-dimensional, intra-dimensional) suggests an entity that can 'time travel and move out of the physical body into a spiritual one'. In one place the surface contains a bump, which is visible from the perspective of a larger three-dimensional space in which the surface is contained. Add to it a second dimension, the y-axis (or height), and you get an object that becomes a 2-dimensional shape (like a square). algebraic structure on types as being a kind of \higher-dimensional groupoid". As category theory is still evolving, its functions are correspondingly developing, expanding . Answer (1 of 23): "Dimension" is a poor word for this concept, but let's go with it. The existence of higher dimensions clearly explains all of these powers attributed to God. Your True Self knows what it came to do in this lifetime. They tend to differ from non-human negative entities (below) in that they each have an individual soul. The aim of the meeting is to bring together leading experts and early career researchers to make progress on understanding rational points on surfaces and higher dimensional varieties. While some people believe that God exists in the fourth dimension, many others place God in a higher . If human behaviour is viewed from a sub-human (non-spiritual) level of being, the uniquely human or spiritual aspects of human existence will either be missed or seen in distortion. Declassified FBI Document Speaks Of "Inter-Dimensional" Beings. Abstract. In his book "Hyperspace", Dr Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist, explains the higher dimensions and their impact on us. So you can use for objects on a line (1-D), on a table-top (2-D), in space (3-D), or whatever (whatever-D). In everyday life, we inhabit a space of three dimensions - a vast 'cupboard' with height, width and depth, well known for centuries. [54] for some of the proposed de nitions of weak higher-dimensional categories). Higher category theory is the generalization of category theory to a context where there are not only morphisms between objects, but generally k-morphisms between (k − 1) (k-1)-morphisms, for all k ∈ ℕ k \in \mathbb{N}.. Higher category theory studies the generalization of ∞-groupoids - and hence, via the homotopy hypothesis, of topological spaces - to that of directed spaces . What if we were flat beings trapped in the two dimensional surface of the earth . What would a 4- or 5-dimensional universe look like? According to the string theory, often called the "theory of everything," there are more space dimensions, but the ones beyond three are effectively inaccessible. Awareness of point, line, width and breadth, height and volume. We develop some foundational results in a higher-dimensional foliated Mori theory, . the universe as a creation of a Source Creator Being are multiple: 1. The higher dimensional energies are calling us. Ideas of dimensions and higher dimensions show up frequently in popular culture and are extremely . Note 3: Another query that might come to mind is the question of how higher-dimensional beings can defeat lower-dimensional ones. Less obviously, we can consider time as an additional, fourth dimension, as Einstein famously revealed. 1 A higher-dimensional supersymmetric microlaser array. All requirements according to Superstring theory are satisfied for him to be a 6th dimensional being, or even higher. That's what dimensions are in fiction, but not in reality. But we also have bubbles that form all the time, almost like a . Parallel Realities and the Multidimensional Universe. Dimensions are not containers that can hold things. Most physical laws are already written in a dimension-free form. After all, higher-dimensional objects cannot directly interact with lower dimensional . The reason being is that we do have this nirvana, this timelessness, this eleven dimensional hyperspace, this arena of string theory.

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