should the house of lords be abolished

School uniforms should be abolished says the bill (Credit: What did the bill say about school uniforms? The House of Lords is yet another sign that our so-called democracy isn't quite so democratic after all, and it should certainly be abolished. Ironically, the present crisis is a consequence of a reform intended to modernise the House: the life peers, provided for by an Act of 1958. Labour should completely reject the coalition's proposals. It is evident that the House of Lords should be reformed, if not abolished altogether. House of Lords Reform. The first time arrived on 19 March 1649, during a hiatus in the English Revolution. The House of Lords should remain untouched. Parliament's upper chamber has become larger and more expensive. The House of Lords should be dissolved and replaced by an elected second house consisting of a selection of people on non-party lines. - A conservative think tank has called for the House of Lords to be abolished after Brexit, and be replaced by a new Senate representing the different … In 2012, the coalition government introduced the House of Lords Reform Bill to the House of Commons. I disagree with the house of lords because I think it's atrocious that anyone could ever hold a place of . As it says, is it now time to get rid of the House of Lords. The House of Lords should partially be elected. By James Chapman for the Daily Mail Updated: 10:16 EDT, 6 December 2010 . Whilst peers are technically unpaid, they are able to claim £300 a day tax-free, for each day they attend, plus limited travel costs. It stinks really - the speaker of the House of Commons has made comments on how many peers Boris has created this year and how dodgy it all is.Loads . In the last . For instance, despite Tony Blair's 1999 House of Lords Reform Act removing all but 92 hereditary peers, most members of the Lords are appointed rather than . Between April 2019 and March 2020, £17.7 million was spent on Lords allowances and expenses, with the average peer claiming £30,687. No democratic parliament should include hereditary peers or lifetime appointees. We are now in the 21st Century but our learned politicians, Church of England, public schools & Monarchy are still in the 19th century. We take care of the easy part of the question: what place is there in the 21st century for a legislative body composed of some members from . It's time for Britain to abolish the House of Lords. Should we abolish the House of Lords?As more stories emerge that Conservative party donors are essentially buying places in the house of lords through donati. Reform isn't enough: why the House of Lords should be abolished. The House of Lords is a useful check against the Commons, and although it may need some reform (I think the designated seats for the clergy and hereditary peers are questionable) abolishing it or electing its members democratically would be a mistake, in my opinion. Create an account to join the conversation. So how about it, Boris: a referendum on the Lords? The survey found a third of people north of the Border - 33% - would like to see the chamber scrapped completely, compared to the UK average of 22%. This article is more than 2 years old. The Lords are completely independent from the government, and can overturn unfair legislation. Having an aristocratic chamber prevented 'the rule of wealth'. The House of Lords works well. "The time for Hereditary and 'Honour' Peers has gone, as a democratic nation we should be able to vote for a second House (Like the American Senate)" Davie J, Hampshire "Unelected legislators are a ludicrous anachronism in principle: the Lords must either be simply abolished (unicameral legislatures aren't so bad) or rendered democratic" James, Perth Readers' poll: should the House of Lords be abolished? 145. But turkeys don't vote for Christmas, and the Lords then rejected this proposal. Critics of the second chamber argue that it is time to abolish the House of Lords, calling it "broken, morally corrupt, and anti-democratic". The trial convicted the defendant with oblique intent and he appealed to the house of lords after he was dismissed by the Court of Appeal.. Should the House of Lords be abolished. SCOTS are more likely than people across the UK to want to see the House of Lords abolished, according to a new poll. It's sketchy, but I think I can recall a few newspapers talking about the house of lords being scheduled to be abolished and replaced with a British Senate. The House of Lords should be replaced with a Senate of the regions. "The House of Lords has never been held in such contempt by the Scottish people and the SNP remains determined to see its abolition." Andy Burnham added: "These headlines show why people are . the house of lords held this in the case of R v Moloney 1985 (ac 905).. After 1911, the House of Lords survived because it slowly and pragmatically reinvented itself as an innocent, wise revising chamber. The commission's recommendations were rejected by a vote in the House of Lords. This should be predominantly - if not entirely . By Tony Benn. The House of Lords should be reformed. A peerage should be earned, not inherited. By Billy Lucas - Editor-in-Chief The case for a democratically elected House of Lords, if taken seriously, places a stick of dynamite right underneath the constitution, and if implemented, would cause chaos for the systems of government that this country runs on. In March 2007, I voted to abolish the Lords and - when that was defeated - for a fully-elected chamber. The House of Lords is a chamber of experts. A pre-eminent reason why the House of Lords can be considered an outdated institution and should be abolished, is because it is entirely un-elected and thus contradictory to UK democracy. Never mind the fact nobody actually voted for them. I think they are actually going to do it. Introduction to From the Source| Abolish the Lords? In 1990, 80 women held peerage within the House. Clearly, many of the House of Lords peers have only agreed to becoming a peer for the status and financial gain, not because they want to better society. While reform of the Lords has been discussed for more than a century, little real change has been made.. The average number of members supported was 383 - excluding those who thought it should be abolished. Political commentator Brendan O'Neil has blasted this and said the House of Lords should be abolished. The Bill would have created a smaller House of Lords in which a large majority of representatives would be elected by a system of proportional representation, but where a substantial minority of peers would be appointed more or less as they are now. The House of Lords works well. The case was heard and approved by the house of lords in R v Cunningham 1981 2 All ER 863, 3WLR 263.. These can be forgiven. The riots are a foretaste to come Like any reasonable person, I'm opposed to the Conservatives' planned cuts to tax credits and I'm thankful that they have been postponed. The House of Lords has no right to defy the will of the people and the Commons on this Brexit Amendment. The House of Lords should be abolished and replaced with a citizens' chamber of 400 ordinary people, says a journalist and author. All are welcome to participate and we encourage a diversity of opinions to be expressed here. The House of Lords should not exist. If the House of Lords' undemocratic nature and lack of diversity does not persuade you as to why it is so ineffective and, therefore, should be abolished, perhaps its monetary cost will. In 2010: The Coalition Government published an agreement in May, stating that a group would be appointed to bring forward proposals for an elected House of Lords. Now this role, widely accepted, has been thrown into doubt. The people should at the very least have a say. p.s. Should the monarchy be abolished? Listen from 5:14 in 0130-0200 Segment. 145. So, in light of recent events, perhaps now is as good a time as any to look at why this . I disagree with the majority of other answers, however saying that it should be an elected chamber. Should the House of Lords be abolished? Electing an upper chamber would lead to the same issues seen in the US - a majority belongs to either to the majority party in the Lower House, act. The UK has one of the most tyrannical and unchecked governments, independent of party in power, already. Answer (1 of 11): No, but it should be reformed. The House of Lords should be dissolved and replaced by an elected second house consisting of a selection of people on non-party lines. How to go about abolishing the House of Lords is a decision to come . "Instead, what we should be looking at is the abolition of the whole chamber and the creation of a fit-for-purpose 21st Century democratic House free of 17th Century forelock tugging and deference. The House of Lords has come under renewed scrutiny this week, following the resignation of Lord Sewel over drug and prostitution allegations and reports that a secret reform panel has been set up.. They want to give European Nationals here rights which Brits living in Europe have not been granted. This is sure evidence that the House of Lords must be reformed. Should the House of Lords be abolished? That should be a source of shame and it undermines the UK when it talks about abuses of governments in other parts of the world. 88% of people think the Lords should have fewer than 600 members. The House of Lords should be abolished and "replaced with an elected senate", according to former Liberal leader David Steel. In 2011: A draft bill on House of Lords Reform was published in May 2011 by the deputy prime minister. Even if the Second House were to be totally elected, it would become another Commons, dominated by . Lord Steel will tell a lecture to the Scottish Liberal Club on Tuesday evening that peerages should be scrapped to make way for federalism in the UK. The report argues the House of Lords should be abolished and replaced with a new Senate, or Upper House, representing different parts of the UK. This should be predominantly - if not entirely . Made up of Britain's elite and wealthy, the House of Lords only represents a select few members of our society. Let's quit all the talk of reform. The House of Lords could be something great if governments weren't too afraid or selfish to change it for the better. Whether its members are 'good' or 'bad' people, principled or self-serving, on the side of Brexit or on the side of stopping Brexit, makes no difference. The Government of the day make the decisions, we elect them to do that. The cost of the House of Lords has ballooned. Abolish it! House of Lords anger grows as £3million gets seat in chamber THE House of Lords should be abolished, political commentator Brendan O'Neill has claimed. The House of Lords needs reforming, but abolishing it is not the answer. where the House . Join in Active discussions Register or sign in Talk The unelected and swollen House of Lords. Payments to peers have increased by 29% to £23m, and their number is . Just 7% of Scots say the House of Lords should remain as it currently is. The report argues the House of Lords should be abolished and replaced with a new Senate, or Upper House, representing different parts of the UK. Have your say, get notified on what matters to you and see fewer ads. Abolishing the House would give governments too much power and we would most . The British constitution is antiquated, even in the most flattering light. In 1917 the Bryce Commission was set up to consider House of Lords reform proposals. Hereditary peers should be abolished. Although their power has been reduced over the years, many would argue that it is just not enough. Peers heard the bill in the House Of Lords, and it received support from the . Women love it! The other house is just a retirement home for redundant Politicians, and Prime Ministers favourites. Edexcel. View comments. Please try to be civil and respect one another! As if that weren't bad enough, 26 bishops appointed by the Church of England are members of the House of Lords, making the UK the only country apart from Iran to have clerics in government as a right. For example, India's, France's and Germany's have 245, 348 and 69 respectively. The House of Lords has no right to defy the will of the people and the Commons on this Brexit Amendment. This should be predominantly - if not entirely - elected, fulfilling the role both of a revising chamber and as a counterweight to the Commons. The survey found a third of people north of the Border - 33% - would like to see the chamber scrapped completely, compared to the UK average of 22%. It was held that the judge should not have used an expansion explanation for . The effect is to weaken parliamentary scrutiny, diminish the legitimacy of the House in public opinion, and reduce the representation of smaller parties - which are already under-represented in the Commons. That seemed like a pretty definite thing. . By James Chapman for the Daily Mail Updated: 10:16 EDT, 6 December 2010 . It's time to get real about the Lords. READ MORE: Letters Injustice of the House of Lords . The House of Lords. You can't polish a you-know-what. Abolish the House of Lords. In this way it serves as a useful check on the government by making them think again Powers of the upper chamber are defined by the 1911 and 1949 Parliament Acts. The title House of Common(ers) & Lords must be abolished to something more suitable. The House of Lords should be abolished. That vote, won by 337 votes to 224, is the only time the Commons has voted for a wholly-elected second chamber. Baroness Evans of Bowes Park speaking during the House of Lords tributes to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, on April 12, 2021. At a time when the validity of institutions is being questioned, parliament's upper house should not escape unscathed Last modified on Mon 15 Nov 2021 14.22 EST In the summer of 2020, Boris . The House of Lords urgently needs to be abolished, it's a symbol of what we have worked tirelessly to eradicate; the inequality in our society. They should not be chosen by Parliament, as we the people should have more say. Yet those who want to abolish the Lords should be careful what they wish for. By November 2009, as a result of the changing composition, there were 148 women sitting with the Lords. The House of Lords can be viewed as a 'revising chamber'. Again. That's the question students are asked to consider in this From the Source activity for Edexcel A-Level Politics. I joined talkRADIO's Darryl Morris on Wednesday to discuss whether it is time to abolish the House of Lords, the appointed upper chamber of the UK House of Commons. If the people are to be sovereign, the House of Lords needs to be abolished. The House of Lords is the second chamber of Parliament and is also called the Upper House. That would exclude a Councillor or MP who could be very good and a valued addition to the House of Lords ( which name I would hope we keep ) getting the role just because you were an MP or held particular office maybe should go but not automatically prevent a former politican from being elected/appointed. Nevertheless, although at times the House of Lords has appeared undemocratic, I believe that it is still incredibly useful to the British public and should not be abolished. Bright Blue Scotland has called for the unelected chamber to be replaced by a new Senate . The report argues the House of Lords should be abolished and replaced with a new Senate, or Upper House, representing different parts of the UK. There is a serious case to instill some democratic process to the Lords. The Parliament Act 1911 removed the ability of the House of Lords to veto money bills; with any other bills, the House of Commons was given powers to overrule the Lords' veto after three parliamentary sessions. Because it is not elected, it does not have the same powers as the Commons, but it retains the right to revise and scrutinise the Government's actions and legislation. In a country without a written constitution or a proportional electoral system, the Lords is one of the only checks on a government with a majority in the Commons. The Queen is widely respected, and almost certainly would be elected . The only true democratic solution is abolition. The House of Lords is undemocratic. For instance, despite Tony Blair's 1999 House of Lords Reform Act removing all but 92 hereditary peers, most members of the Lords are appointed rather than . The head of state has never received a vote from a single member of the electorate, and 92 hereditary peers still sit in the House of Lords. It's time to abolish the House of Lords - it's undemocratic and nobody understands it Shut it down, replace it with a small senate and let former Downing Street advisers find real jobs SCOTS are more likely than people across the UK to want to see the House of Lords abolished, according to a new poll. Peers are able to claim £323 a day tax-free each day they attend, plus some travel costs. The example of Mancroft and his ridiculous statements on Fox hunting just goes to illustrate how out of touch and self-serving "old money" really is. Public opinion The House of Lords is a relic from a bygone era. They do not exist to thwart the will of the elected Government. House of Lords to be abolished and replaced by elected senate. In a personal film for the Daily Politics soapbox series, Richard . Labour's election manifesto will include plans to replace the House of Lords with an elected second chamber, a minister confirmed yesterday. Norman Fowler. We should abolish the House of Lords, not reform it. A W Jones. Answer (1 of 9): It could be by the Commons, however it would be better to reform it rather than abolish it. House of Lords to be abolished, confirms Jack Straw . The first past the post system used to elect the government means that a substant. House of Lords to be abolished and replaced by elected senate. Our MPs should be accorded the dignity of representing the . This would ensure that there is no unelected body in Parliament which can influence the laws passed by the elected representatives of the people. Over half the time in the Lords is devoted to examining in detail legislation sent to it by the Commons. The House of Lords is a relic from a bygone era. Most democracies' second houses have around 100 members. Angel1. O'Neil wrote in The Spectator, "It's time to get real about the Lords. (Roger Harris / House of Lords 2021 . It is easy to chastise the House of Lords as a cesspit for all that is wrong with our democracy, yet a look underneath the country . View comments. Register now. Good points but if elected on a proportional basis rather than first past the post and elected in different election cycles for different term lengths it could actually have added value beyond what the house of commons politics brings. This should be predominantly - if not entirely . The House of Lords isn't just an affront to voters, it's an unacceptable burden on the public purse. The House of Lords should be abolished, leaving the House of Commons as the sole legislative body of Parliament. Seventy nine percent of the British public agree that the House of Lords requires reforming, but cannot decide on the proportion of Lords elected and appointed. The cost of the House of Lords has ballooned. The group, which consisted of front-bench spokespeople from the three main political parties, was to prepare a draft bill. The House of Lords has always been a talking point in British politics, mainly over the fact that they are an unelected body and have no democratic right to determine the laws of the country. The House of Lords is a medieval relic from a time when land ownership was a major source of political power, and just as ownership of land moved from generation to generation so did the titles. A space to discuss current events, politics, and other general chit chat. The House of Lords ought to represent British society accurately and fairly to ensure that the decisions . A pre-eminent reason why the House of Lords can be considered an outdated institution and should be abolished, is because it is entirely un-elected and thus contradictory to UK democracy. House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) (Abolition of By-Elections) Bill [HL] This private member's bill seeks to amend the House of Lords Act 1999 to remove the system of by-elections currently used to fill vacancies caused by the death, resignation or expulsion of individuals who are Members of the House of Lords by virtue of a hereditary peerage. Yet those who want to abolish the Lords should be careful what they wish for. Time to abolish the 'Lords Spiritual'. The report argues the House of Lords should be abolished and replaced with a new Senate, or Upper House, representing different parts of the UK. When justifying the House of Lords in the English Constitution (1867), Walter Bagehot thought it one of the 'dignified' aspects of the British system.After all, he wrote, although unelected, 'an old lord will get infinite respect'. The House of Lords should be abolished after the UK leaves the EU, a conservative think tank has argued.. They want to give European Nationals here rights which Brits living in Europe have not been granted. The Lords has a reputation for thorough and detailed scrutiny. Or are they the only ones able to keep this government in check?. UK's House of Lords weighs in on privatizing Channel 4, Terms of Trade The UK parliament's House of Lords, in a newly released report, has criticized the Tory government regarding its approach . The House of Lords is a chamber of experts. No chance! The question would be simple: Retain or Abolish. In 2003, a minority of the House of Commons voted to abolish the upper house, with legendary Labour MP Tony Benn among them. The terms of the House of Lords Act 1999 has also increased the role played by woman within the House of Lords. The report argues the House of Lords should be abolished and replaced with a new Senate, or Upper House, representing different parts of the UK..

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