human rights defenders palestine

Israel/Palestine: Palestinian Rights Defenders Threatened. Criminalising the work of these groups, which are a lifeline to hundreds of Palestinian families, is meant to stifle any form of resistance, survival and meaningful and dignified living. The human rights problems facing Palestinians living under occupation are exceptional in both scope and scale. The Israeli government has been threatening human rights defenders in Israel, both Palestinian citizens as well as Israeli Jews, directly and through proxies. Associated Press just reported that a few days before criminalizing six Palestinian civil rights groups, Israel was caught red-handed utilizing Pegasus spyware to hack and spy on these organizations. The New Campaign to Smear Palestinian Human Rights Defenders as Terrorists In a move that has been condemned as an effort to discredit Palestinian rights organizations, the Israeli government has . Issa Amro's work with these organisations, amongst others, led to his winning the UN OHCHR 'Human Rights Defender of the Year in Palestine' award in 2010. While staff members of our organizations have faced deportation and travel bans, Palestinian human rights defenders have always borne the brunt of the repression. As JVP Executive Director Stefanie Fox points out in her latest newsletter Every Single Phone Call: What Israeli Spyware Reveals about the US-Israel Alliance . Building on the findings of the 2016 The decades-long failure of the international . Egyptian authorities forced him to give up . The Israeli Minister of "Defense" declared six prominent human rights organizations, including Bisan Center for Research and Development , as illegal, endangering their work and exposing them to arbitrary attacks by the occupation. JOINT STATEMENT. 137 Likes, 12 Comments - Human Rights Defenders (@human_defenders) on Instagram: "Ramallah, Palestine 15th of February 2022 The death of the young man, Nihad Amin Al-Barghouti,…" Pegasus Spyware Surveillance of Palestinian Human Rights Defenders. The New Campaign to Smear Palestinian Human Rights Defenders as Terrorists. As a group of 242 regional and international organizations, we express our full solidarity with Palestinian civil society and human rights defenders as Israel continues to escalate its attacks to shut down critical human rights work and silence opposition to its occupation of Palestinian territory and apartheid over the Palestinian people as a whole. Looking for abbreviations of PHRD? The Palestine Chronicle is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the general public by providing a forum that strives to highlight issues of relevance to human rights, national struggles, freedom and democracy in the form of daily news, commentary, features, book reviews, photos, art, and more. On 16 October 2021, Al-Haq contacted FLD on suspicion of the spyware infection of the iPhone device of one of its staff members. The use of NSO Group's Pegasus spyware against Palestinian human rights defenders illustrates yet another failure of the company's Human Rights Policy, which professes an "unequivocal respect for human rights," as well as the company's claim that the Israeli regulatory system imposes sufficient human rights controls on the sale of NSO . You can support through this page, or through direct transaction to Viva Salud on BE15 0010 4517 8030 | BIC: GEBABEBB, with the description 'Donation Palestina Human Rights Defenders'. Diala Shamas, a human rights lawyer with the Center for Constitutional Rights, provided perhaps the most effective "translation of these orders" in a tweet earlier today. Israel-Palestine Six Palestinian human rights defenders hacked with NSO Group's Pegasus Spyware, Report. The Palestinian civil society organizations (CSOs) targeted by the Israeli government alongside partners have today launched a new website as part of their #StandWithThe6 campaign. (Jerusalem) - New anonymous death threats have been made against staff members of a Palestinian human rights organization advocating an . UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet: "Israel's decision to designate six Palestinian civil society organizations as 'terrorist organizations' is an attack on human rights defenders, on freedoms of association, opinion and expression and on the right to public participation, and should be immediately revoked." The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched an incitement campaign against Amnesty International after the latter released a report on Tuesday concluding that Israel's discriminatory and exclusionary laws, policies and practices against Palestinians amount to apartheid, Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor said in a statement.. Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid made defamatory . "HRDF saw its calling to help human rights defenders struggling to finance legal actions" following "increasing violations of the liberties of individuals and organizations peacefully defending human rights in Israel and the Palestinian Occupied Territories, as well as attempts to silence the voices of condemnation and protest through . Human rights defenders in Palestine are under attack! This document is a joint technical report by the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab and Amnesty International's Security Lab reviewing Front Line Defenders' technical research.. JOINT NGO STATEMENT IN SOLIDARITY WITH SRI LANKAN HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDER AMBIKA SATKUNANATHAN. The biggest news story over the past few weeks has been the continued exposing of the Israeli military's use of dirty tech to surveil Palestinians, and the extent to which Israeli-made spyware is used globally by oppressive governments. The silencing of human rights defenders to obstruct . The international community, including the EU and its member states, should stand firm in its support to Palestinian human rights defenders by publicly condemning this flagrant attack on the Palestinian human rights movement and by urging Israel's Minister of Defense to immediately rescind the designation of the six human rights organisations . Earlier this month, I spoke with six Palestinian women human rights defenders about their work in Gaza and the Occupied Palestine territory, including East Jerusalem.. The decades-long failure of the international . "This designation is a frontal attack on the Palestinian human rights movement, and on human rights everywhere," said the experts. "HRDF saw its calling to help human rights defenders struggling to finance legal actions" following "increasing violations of the liberties of individuals and organizations peacefully defending human rights in Israel and the Palestinian Occupied Territories, as well as attempts to silence the voices of condemnation and protest through . Many in the international community have criticized the Israeli government for falsely designating these groups as "terrorists," but Canada's response has been quiet. The international context of shrinking civic space and heightened defiance towards human rights organisations and defenders has continued to be timely used by the Government of Israel against Palestinian, Israeli, Syrian and virtually all NGOs, at national and international levels, advocating for the rights of Palestinians and Syrians and . October 24, 2021 / / News from Palestine. On 2nd November 2020, Israeli forces raided Ms. Khitam Al-Saafin's home in Ramallah, arrested her and placed her under six months of administrative detention.Khitam, 59, is the Head of the Union of Palestinian Women's Committees- UPWC, secretariat member of the General Union of . Palestinian activists from the Human Rights Defenders group organized a gathering to protest the unjustified closure of the shops, and confronted occupation soldiers. The systematic surveillance of Palestinian human rights defenders comes in addition to an already unacceptable endless list of coordinated actions led by Israeli governmental bodies and their affiliates to instigate and perform systematic and organized smear, intimidation, and persecution campaigns against Palestinian civil society. Imad Abu Shamsiya, the founder of Human Rights Defenders, said that Jewish settlers from the nearby illegal colonial settlement of Ramat Yishai attempted to set the house of . Mohamed Soltan, an Egyptian-American human rights defender, was imprisoned on politically motivated charges from August 2013 to May 2015 and tortured. Late last year, Israeli authorities attacked the funding of Baladna (the Association for Arab Youth), which was protesting the recruitment of Palestinian youth in the Israeli Army. Palestinian human rights defenders spied on by Pegasus November 8, 2021 by Harry Rivers Sahar Francis (left), director of Addameer, and Tahseen Elayyan (right), of the Al-Haq human rights organization, at a joint press conference in Ramallah, West Bank, November 8, 2021 . It marks an alarming escalation in the repression of Palestinian civil society organizations and human rights defenders, who have been instrumental in documenting human rights abuses by both Israeli and Palestinian authorities, resisting unjust policies of the Israeli occupation, and advocating to protect the rights of Palestinians living in . Human rights defenders targeted by Israel launch joint website. Mohamed Soltan, an Egyptian-American human rights defender, was imprisoned on politically motivated charges from August 2013 to May 2015 and tortured. Palestinian Human Rights Defenders - How is Palestinian Human Rights Defenders abbreviated? The following article, by Mohammed el-Kurd, is republished from The Nation : I n an authoritarian and repressive move, the Israeli regime has designated six leading Palestinian civil society and . Israel used controversial spying software to target Palestinian human rights defenders, international digital investigators have claimed. GENEVA (15 February 2022) - Poland must investigate all allegations of harassment of human rights defenders, including media workers and interpreters, at the border with Belarus, and grant access to journalists and humanitarian workers to the border area ensuring that they can work freely and safely, UN human rights experts* said today. While staff members of our organizations have faced deportation and travel bans, Palestinian human rights defenders have always borne the brunt of the repression. We the undersigned human rights organizations, express our deep concern about the statement issued by the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry on February 4, 2022, in which the government denounced testimony given by Ambika Satkunanathan, a leading human rights lawyer, to the European Parliament on January 27. The State Department says the United States is "committed to a world in which human rights are protected, their defenders are celebrated, and those who commit human rights abuses are held . Front Line Defenders is deeply concerned about the ongoing crackdown against human rights defenders, including lawyers and journalists documenting human rights abuses and violence committed by the Israeli military and border police force in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and by the Israeli police inside the Green Line. This decision is an alarming escalation that threatens to shut down the work of Palestine's most prominent civil society organizations. For the last 20 years, governments across the world have instrumentalized the so-called 'war on terror' as a powerful tool to target, isolate . Today the undersigned non-governmental organizations celebrate the release of Ramy Shaath, a valiant human rights defender who has inspired many in the Palestinian and Egyptian rights communities with his bravery and courage.His release is a triumph for all his friends, family members, NGOs, parliamentarians and thousands of supporters worldwide; it confirms once again that . While staff members of our organizations have faced deportation and travel bans, Palestinian human rights defenders have always borne the brunt of the repression. What makes the… You can do so through Viva Salud, a longtime supporter of the Palestinian human rights community. We, the undersigned human rights organizations, condemn the hacking of six Palestinian human rights defenders with NSO Group's Pegasus spyware, as uncovered by the Front Line Defenders (FLD) and . Egyptian authorities forced him to give up . "Supporting Human Rights Defenders in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Reality, Challenges, and Obligations" UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People . Recent threats against Palestinian and Israeli human rights defenders have included such things as: Israeli Transportation and Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz's calling for "targeted civil eliminations " of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) leaders, specifically mentioning by name Boycott National Committee member Omar Barghouti. Twitter: @saritm0. Israel is not alone in pursuing this tactic. While staff members of our organizations have faced deportation and travel bans, Palestinian human rights defenders have always borne the brunt of the repression. Prior to joining the . MIAMI — Latin America is one of the most perilous regions in the world for human rights defenders, according to a report released Wednesday by Freedom House, a nonprofit . They are a testament to the resolve of Palestinian society—brave, steadfast and unbroken. FLD technical investigation found that the device had been infected in July 2020 with Pegasus spyware marketed by the Israeli NSO Group. Palestinian Human Rights Defenders listed as PHRD. GENEVA (15 February 2022) - Poland must investigate all allegations of harassment of human rights defenders, including media workers and interpreters, at the border with Belarus, and grant access to journalists and humanitarian workers to the border area ensuring that they can work freely and safely, UN human rights experts* said today. See and download the pdf Two articles that cover the essentials in the above resource: Israel's 'fierce' targeting of human rights groups exposed in new report Middle East Monitor In Israel, Campaigns Discredit Israeli, Golan and Palestinian Human Rights Defenders Urgent Call — On the Administrative Detention of Palestinian Human Rights Defender Khitam Al-Saafin. PHRD - Palestinian Human Rights Defenders. Join CJPME in calling on Trudeau and his Cabinet to take action to hold Israeli authorities accountable for their attack on civil society, and to do everything possible to protect and support the work of human rights defenders in Palestine. While staff members of our organizations have faced deportation and travel bans, Palestinian human rights defenders have always borne the brunt of the repression. Online Hub Provides Information and Calls to Action Aimed at Reversing Ban on Six Palestinian NGOs. This decision is an alarming escalation that threatens to shut down the work of Palestine's most prominent civil society organizations. Tom and Michael talk about the six Palestinian human rights organizations that were criminalized by Israel in October. While staff members of our organizations have faced deportation and travel bans, Palestinian human rights defenders have always borne the brunt of the repression. Front Line Defenders immediately conducted a technical investigation, and found that the device had been infected in July 2020, with spyware sold by . The report, which is written in conjunction with the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) examines killings, injury, arbitrary detention and arrests of human rights They note that most international and Israeli human rights organisations face challenges, but also argue that Palestinian human rights defenders "have always encountered the severest constraints." Finally, the experts call upon the international community to use its full range of tools to request that Israel reverses this decision. Israel must safeguard human rights defenders in Occupied Palestinian Territory and within its borders - UN expert GENEVA (11 August 2021) - A UN expert today expressed concern over arrests, harassment, criminalisation and threats against human rights defenders in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel, and called on Israel to make . The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, "Target Locked: Smear Campaigns to Stifle Human Rights Defenders from the Golan, Israel, and Palestine" CNCD-11.11.11, "Occupation and Shrinking Space: The Attack on Civil Society in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and in Israel" "While international and Israeli human rights organisations have faced heavy criticism, legislative restrictions and even deportations, Palestinian human rights defenders have always encountered . "The systematic surveillance of Palestinian human rights defenders comes in addition to an already unacceptable endless list of coordinated actions led by Israeli governmental bodies and their . Sarit Michaeli is international advocacy officer at B'Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories. "Silencing their voices is not what a democracy adhering to well-accepted human rights and humanitarian standards would do. Mayela Lopez / Reuters. UN human rights experts have condemned the false designation calling it a 'frontal attack on the Palestinian human rights movement'. This follows Israel's escalation of its systemic efforts to shrink civic space, defund, criminalize human rights defenders (HRDs) and civil . Frontline Defenders researchers find malware on activists' phones and blame Israel; 3 . In October 2021, the human rights non-governmental organization (NGO) Front Line . Even the apartheid regime in South Africa never outlawed human rights defenders in the manner that Israel just did when it declared six Palestinian organizations to be "terrorist organizations." December 9, 2016 - In marking International Human Rights Defenders Day, the undersigned organizations commend the work of all human rights defenders working for justice globally, stand in solidarity with them, and highlight the case of individuals and organizations focused on Palestine. and for the human rights of the Palestinian citizens of Israel. Human Rights Protection Center - Palestinian NGO, Beirut, Lebanon Humans Against Israeli Occupation Team International Action Center, USA Interfaith Council for Peace in the Middle East, USA International Socialist Organization International Solidarity Movement International Solidarity Movement in France . This decision is an alarming escalation that threatens to shut down the work of Palestine's most prominent civil society organizations." On October 19, the Israeli Ministry of Defense designated six Palestinian human rights and civil society organizations as "terrorist organizations", which was in turn followed by a military order on November 7 by the Israeli military commander in the occupied Palestinian West Bank rendering the activities of the six organizations illegal in the West Bank. Inès Abdel Razek is Advocacy Director for the Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy (PIPD), an independent Palestinian organization, and a member of Al Shabaka. "After years of unsuccessful efforts to persuade, or bully European and US donors and allies to defund and discredit Palestinian human rights defenders," she wrote . With next to no evidence to back up the "terrorist" label, the Israeli government claimed the organizations could be linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). 14، Dec 2021. Jewish settlers on Monday attempted to torch a Palestinian house in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron (Al-Khalil), the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported. Three other human rights defenders unnamed in the report had their devices attacked between November 2020 and April 2021. This analytical report, which covers the third year of the said project, is based on fact sheets, policy Justice orgs call for protection of human rights defenders working on issues related to Palestine. 'Human Rights Defenders', like many other Palestinian groups, continues to channel and guide the popular resistance of the Palestinian people in Hebron and many towns and villages across Palestine. Spyware Used to Hack Palestinian Rights Defenders Groups Condemn Use of NSO Group's Pegasus Against Palestinians (New York) - The following statement condemning the use of Pegasus spyware against six Palestinian human rights defenders was issued today by 10 human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch: 14 December 2021, Ramallah - The Palestinian civil society organizations (CSOs) targeted by the Israeli government alongside partners have today launched a new website www . You can support Human Rights Defenders in Palestine through the Belgian organization Viva Salud. Research November 8, 2021 8:59 am Devices of Palestinian Human Rights Defenders Hacked with NSO Group's Pegasus Spyware. In a press release, the Dublin-based Front-Line Defenders outlined how the timing of Israel's declaration to brand six human rights groups as "terrorist" organizations was issued two days after its use of a spying application was discovered. The perpetual cycle of acute crises and chronic deprivations compounds the suffering of ordinary people and creates complex challenges for human rights defenders. This decision is an alarming escalation that threatens to shut down the work of Palestine's most prominent civil society organizations." . Human rights defenders targeted by Israel launch joint website. The UN experts called upon the Israeli Government to fully respect the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, which was adopted in 1998 by the UN General Assembly, saying that an occupying power with a true commitment to human rights would "protect and encourage" human rights defenders, and "not ostracize, harass or silence them". The representatives of these Palestinian human rights defenders continue to fight for the bare minimum political space necessary to be able to do their work. A Front Line delegation, including Front Lne�s Director, Mary Lawlor, is currently in Gaza launching a report on the situation of human rights defenders in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). Issa Amro is well known by members of the European Parliament since he is accompanying EP delegations in Palestine (the last one took place in May 2013) On 16 October 2021, Front Line Defenders was contacted by-Al Haq, a human rights organisation in Palestine, about the device of a Jerusalem-based staff member and a possible infection with spyware.

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