hooded merganser migration

Like other mergansers, it has a narrow, serrate bill. The Martinsville City Reservoir is one of the premier wildlife watching sites in the Martinsville area. The male in breeding plumage is distinctive, with olive-brown sides and a black back accented with white stripes down the middle of . The black and white bufflehead is a striking duck to see. "Hooded" is something of an understatement for this extravagantly crested little duck. Hooded merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) Listen to Audio. I shot this lovely lady during spring migration in central Ohio. The winter ducks show no hurry. They are feeding and playing and surviving the freeze/thaw cycle, allowing themselves to rest up for the migration ahead. Rough-legged Hawk. I live in north central, western PA where the Hooded Merganser is pretty much a migrant. Feeding. Resident to medium-distance migrant. A hooded merganser nest was found on May 12 at Sue Ames Prairie. Golden Eagle. Your complaint (along with the complaints of others regarding this entry) will be reviewed by the challenge owner. The hooded merganser has special transparent eyelids that act like goggles to protect its eyes while looking for prey underwater. Red-breasted Mergansers usually migrate in pairs or small flocks. High counts: 100 at Lake Yankton, Cedar Co 29 Mar 2008, 73 in Lancaster Co 1 Mar 2011, and 68 in Cass Co 13 Mar 2011. Summer: Hooded Mergansers in Nebraska are at the west edge of the breeding range of the eastern population as described by Baldassarre . Shorebirds saw an increase especially American Oystercatcher, yellowlegs, sandpipers, and Short-billed Dowitcher. In eastern North America, many Hooded Mergansers move south and southwest in winter, but some actually migrate north to spend winters in the Great Lakes and southern Canada. The hen has a brown crest and a grayish brown body. Migration of ducks marks seasonal clock. The female Common Merganser has a solid gray body with a reddish-brown . Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus. Female is brown with a rust-colored crest. Females lay between 5 and 15 eggs, and she alone incubates them. Hooded Merganser Numbers Increasing. Learn more Learn more about this data. Hooded mergansers are content to seek smaller fish. Chesapeake Bay: Nature of the Estuary, A Field Guide by Christopher P. White Control and Physiology of Migration. The American black duck looks a lot like its relative the mallard.Some black duck and mallard hybrids are also seen. Description. So for the purposes of this blog, I consider the Hooded Merganser in migration. There were more Osprey, Red-tailed Hawk and Eastern Bluebird than the previous . Preferred Habitat: Wooded lakes and ponds; occasionally coastal marshes.. Killdeer. Perhaps most critical of the angst-causing features is the lack of the typical crested head shape of Hooded Merganser. Fun Facts: In an effort to attract a mate, the male hooded merganser may swim rapidly around the female, then leap into the air and . The large head of the Hooded Merganser, Lophodytes cucullatus, drake is black with a large fan-shaped white crest. March 21-31: Pied-billed grebe, great blue heron, turkey vulture, snow goose, ring-necked duck, hooded merganser, sharp-shinned hawk, Cooper's hawk, common snipe, tree swallow, brown creeper, golden-crowned kinglet and song sparrow. Seasonal Movements/Migration: Migrates from breeding grounds in Pacific Northwest into California. Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus), version 2.0. The number of Hooded Mergansers (Lophodytes cucullatus) is beginning to build as their fall migration from eastern Canada breeding grounds to southeastern U.S. gets under way.Late migrants, Hooded Mergansers won't reach the peak of their migration until mid-November. . Hooded Merganser (Figures 4-7) Figure 4. Small numbers of Hooded Mergansers may have once bred in the Truckee River region. Posted on October 12, 2015 by greg haworth. The range map depicts the boundary of the species's range, defined as the areas where the species is estimated to occur within at least one week within each season. The American widgeon is a common visitor at migration time. Hooded Mergansers w (Dugger et al. An extensive multimedia section displays the latest photos . In addition to fish, hooded mergansers feed on crayfish and other crustaceans, as well as aquatic insects. The hooded merganser prefers forested wetlands. During migration, hooded mergansers prefer to follow waterways rather than flying. In eastern North America, many Hooded Mergansers move south and southwest in winter, but some actually migrate north to spend winters in the Great Lakes and southern Canada. This Hooded Merganser is wearing the typical juvenile (=first basic) plumage of the species. In breeding plumage the dorsal areas and the head, neck, and breast of the mature male are mainly . 16-19" (41-48 cm). Instantly recognized by the male's large white-and-black crest, which is both larger and more eye-catching than the female's smaller rust-brown "hood", the Hooded Merganser can be found in wetlands along the Pacific Coast and the Gulf of Mexico, following an annual winter migration away from breeding grounds in Alaska and Canada. Predation on adults, eggs and young by raccoons, snakes, and . Clearly this spectacular little duck is faring quite well in Minnesota and has found suitable wetlands and nesting cavities even in the small woodlots that are scattered . It is occasionally a summer resident. Like other mergansers, they have a The Hooded is the smallest of our three native merganser species, and often seems to be the least numerous, as it tends to live around swamps and wooded ponds where it may be overlooked. Hooded Merganser in Monochrome. The adult hooded merganser male has black head, neck, and back; the black-margined white crest and chestnut flanks of the male are very distinct. Once spring arrives, Hooded Mergansers begin their migration to the Pacific Northwest, where they will breed and remain until the following fall, nesting in tree cavities near wooded streams and ponds (Dugger et al. They migrate through and also breed in northwest Iowa. The crest on top of the males head is used to help scare off predators, warn of rivals and attract . The hooded merganser is the smallest of the three merganser species in North America. . Hooded Mergansers are frequently found in small rivers and ponds which is where they find their food such as crayfish, small fish, amphibians, vegetation, mollusks and aquatic insects with their thin, serrated bills. Features: The male has a striking black head with a white crest, white breast, black back, and chestnut sides.Females and immatures are dull grayish brown except for a reddish-brown crest. Average weight: M 1.6 lbs, F 1.5 lbs . The CWHR species range maps are . 77 April l-10 April lo-20 April 20-30 Hermit Thrush Great Blue Heron Pied-billed Qrebe Hooded Merganser Buffle-head Pectoral Sandpiper Vesper Sparrow Purple Martin Barn Swallow Louisiana Water-Thrush American Pipit Brown Thrasher Golden-crowned Kinglet American Bittern Horned Grebe These birds are able to catch fish by direct underwater pursuit, remaining submerged for up to 2 minutes. Numbers peak in mid- to late Mar, declining through Apr; only small numbers remain into May. Waterfowl fly south as cold weather approaches. The breast and belly are white and the flanks are brown. Though there are no summer records, these secretive ducks could be breeding at Cedar Creek without anyone noticing. Species on the move this week will include Tundra Swan, Snow Goose, Brant, Cackling Goose, Canvasback, Gadwall, Common Goldeneye, Barrow's Goldeneye, Hooded Merganser, Red-breasted Merganser, Common . Migration pattern can be calculated using . Bird Migration Dates . A small duck with a slender pointed bill. Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) French: Harle couronné Male Hooded Merganser Description The hooded merganser is the smallest of the three merganser species in North America. The back is black with white stripes. Continental Summary Late season movements in the West will be sparse, but more widespread light to moderate movements occur in the East during an extended period of favorable conditions. Latin: Bucephala albeola. Our Chapter Organization / Contact Us Partners Photo Credits . Spring migration begins in March and peaks in April, continuing into May. The park is believed to have been named using the Chippewa term . The hooded merganser, Lophodyes cuculatus, is the smallest, and in our eyes, at least, the one that got the best deal when it comes to looks. The crest shows a large white patch when raised; white stripe extends backwards from eye when lowered. Range: Post-breeding migration. However according to longtime bird-watcher and member of the Lycoming Audubon Society . Description. The male abandons the female as soon as she begins incubating eggs. Occurrence. Migrant and wintering birds are usually found in small flocks throughout the state and are present from late October through early May. A cavity nester along wooded waterways in the temperate parts of North America, it has probably benefitted by taking advantage of nest boxes put . According to the website for the Ducks Unlimited organization, the hooded merganser is the smallest of the three North American mergansers. Lights Out during Migration Cat Policy Injured Bird Education. "Harlan's" Red-tailed Hawk. Hooded Mergansers have a crest that, like a fan, can be spread or closed. Female is dull gray-brown, with warmer brown head and crest. The hooded merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) is a member of the duck family, with only a single . Hooded Mergansers are cavity nesters, nesting in a tree cavity or in the hollow of a tree stump, usually close to water, and primarily within 10 to 30 feet from the ground. The Hooded Merganser is a breeding bird of the forested eastern United States and southeastern Canada wherever suitable habitat exists. Status in Tennessee: The Hooded Merganser is a year round resident of Tennessee, locally rare in summer, uncommon in winter, and fairly common during migration. Community Programs School Programs Family Friendly Resources Kids' Corner SAS Bookshelf Reference Guides and Resources About Us. Migratory Behavior. 64 Outfitters that offer Hooded Merganser Hunting Trips, Guides and Oufitters found. Mergansers are our only ducks that specialize in eating fish. ended. Hooded mergansers have an average length of 18 inches and an average weight of 1 1/2 pounds. Dark wings have white shoulder patch visible in flight. long; males are larger than females. 40-49 cm. Average weight: M 1.1 lbs., F 0.7 lbs. Goldeneyes, Buffleheads and Mergansers are easily confused. The Hooded Merganser is the smallest in the merganser family. Leaders: Mary Watkins, Ruth Bergstrom, Bernie Hodgdon Temp: 38° F Winds: NNE 15 mph Weather Conditions: 31 species Species Count Mute Swan 1 American Wigeon 1 Mallard 2 American Black Duck 6 Ring-necked Duck 2 Surf Scoter 8 Black Scoter 12 Surf/Black Scoter 30 Hooded Merganser 6 Common Merganser 1 Red-breasted Merganser 2 Mourning Dove 2 Greater Yellowlegs 1 Herring Gull 4 Great Black-backed . Birds are typically on the breeding grounds by mid- to late May. Male gives a low, froglike sound; female a hoarse "gak." Mergansers are divers, and the legs are far back on . Located in Flushing, Queens, Kissena Park is a 235-acre greenspace constructed along the historical route of Kissena Creek—which, buried over time by development, is now represented above ground by Kissena Lake itself and nearby marsh habitat. I know Mr Hooded Merganser, the world is super weird. Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) Lophodytes cucullatus. Hooded Merganser - male - Elizabeth Daughton : Hooded merganser, Colonial Church pond, Edina, April 2. EIRD MIGRATION .IT OBERLIN, OHIO. The Hooded Merganser is a breeding bird of the forested eastern United States and southeastern Canada wherever suitable habitat exists. They resurface to swallow their prey, turning it around so it is swallowed headfirst. Buffleheads are common on Fish and Cedar Bog Lakes and on ponds at Cedar Creek during migration. Breeding and wintering grounds overlap considerably. The hooded merganser is an uncommon migrant through Illinois but may winter in the southern half of the state. Photo: Wally Gobetz/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. The bill is slim, serrated, with a hooked tip; bill is dark in male and bicolored in female. Profile by Glenn Olsen: The male Hooded Merganser is a strikingly handsome and distinctive member of the duck family.The moniker of "hooded" seems a bit of a stretch to me . Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus. In western North America this species breeds from southeastern Alaska to Oregon, Idaho and Montana. Hooded Merganser. This secretive species of duck prefers wooded ponds, lakes, and streams, where it often goes . They never had a clue I was there in the fading . Uncommon during migration, but a fairly common nester in wooded habitat. Females get their own distinctive elegance from their cinnamon crest. This was the the first hooded merganser nesting at Goose Pond. Diet. Hooded Merganser Facts. The Hooded merganser is a small diving duck striking in appearance; both sexes have crests that they can raise or lower, and the breeding plumage of the male is handsomely patterned and colored. Migration. Yet in nature, waiting is still common. The smallest of the three North American merganser species, the Hooded is the only one that occurs exclusively on this continent. Fortunately for wildlife enthusiasts of all stripes, Hooded Mergansers are widely distributed in North America and, though rarely abundant, can be found almost anywhere there is fresh water during the spring migration. Status in Tennessee: The Hooded Merganser is a year round resident of Tennessee, locally rare in summer, uncommon in winter, and fairly common during migration. The number of Hooded Mergansers (Lophodytes cucullatus) is beginning to build as their fall migration from eastern Canada breeding grounds to southeastern U.S. gets under way.Late migrants, Hooded Mergansers won't reach the peak of their migration until mid-November. Habitat: During migration hooded mergansers are widespread, though uncommon, across Oregon. This method avoids injury from the spiny fins of some types of fish. Hooded Merganser, Lophodytes cucullatus [M -, c, -, u ( )] Hooded Mergansers are common migrants on Cedar Creek ponds and lakes. The crestless head is dark green, the bill is red, and the eye is dark. Eastern North Dakota is considered secondary breeding range. This is one of only a few waterfowl who nest in tree cavities away from the edge of the water. Ducks and geese which depend on the open unfrozen water to find food would struggle . Feeds on fish and aquatic insects. The hooded merganser gets its name because of its hood, or its beautiful crest of feathers. A few species have a migration-only stopover location mapped and represented with an M. The CWHR System software contains species predictions for migration-only locations, yet most of these are not mapped. The smallest of the three North American merganser species, the Hooded is the only one that occurs exclusively on this continent. . Common Goldeneye x Hooded Merganser Hybrid - Presque Isle SP, PA COGO X HOME - adult male at Marina Bay, Presque Isle SP on 2/14/12 (Photo by Jerry McWilliams) One aspect that birding has to offer is that every once in a while you might get lucky to see an individual bird of a species you are familiar with, but due to a wide range of issues . 1994). The Common Merganser is a fish-eating duck that rides low in the water on freshwater lakes and rivers. Both sexes show white wing patch in flight. Kirk Nelson : Wood ducks (male and female) and female Hooded Merganser with ducklings : MinnesotaSeasons.com Photos Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) on the Wissahickon Creek. Food habits: Aquatic insects, small panfish and minnows, crayfish and frogs. Rapid direct flight with fast wing beats. This species eats aquatic insects, crustaceans (crayfish, shrimp) and . Average length: M 18.1 in, F 17 . A forgotten beauty from the spring migration. 60-66 cm. Breeding and wintering: Temperate (can include northern Mexico; major shifts between breeding and non-breeding distributions) Land Birds. I was wading in waist deep water when a small flock of hooded mergansers came in and hit the water very close to me. They are found in South Carolina primarily during the . 2009). The best deer, elk, bear and other big game outfitters in Texas, Colorado and beyond are right here on Guidefitter. This plumage presents an appearance that causes many birders fits. In The Birds of North America (A. F. Poole, Editor). An adult weights about 620 grams (1.4 lbs) and is 40-50 cm (16-20 in.) DISTRIBUTION: Oberholser (1974) describes the occurrence of the . This picture was beautiful in color but I feel it works even better in monochrome. Most of the Hooded Mergansers that breed in the upper Midwest migrate along the Mississippi River. This male got a little close to a male Horned Grebe causing the "horns", which are really golden colored "ear" tufts, to point upward. They are usually in sheltered areas of lakes and ponds and less commonly on estuaries. Canada Goose. WINGSPAN. Common species include Canada geese, snow geese, (blue and white phases), gadwall, mallard, black duck, pintail, American widgeon, wood duck, northern shoveler, blue-winged and green-winged teal, scaup, bufflehead, ruddy duck, red-breasted and hooded merganser. This bird winters in the southeastern United States. The hooded merganser females are still in residence, but the males will be leaving in a few weeks. Lophodytes cucullatus. Bald Eagle. Rapid direct flight with fast wing beats. Once spring arrives, Hooded Mergansers begin their migration to the Pacific Northwest, where they will breed and remain until the following fall, nesting in tree cavities near wooded streams and ponds (Dugger et al. It is not all bad news, early ducks such as American Wigeon and Hooded Merganser saw considerably higher numbers and the number of Reddish Egret doubled. The open water body is at its best during migration and winter when Bonaparte's or herring gulls as well as numerous waterfowl including ruddy, ring-necked, mallard and black ducks, bufflehead and hooded merganser occasionally join numerous ring-billed gulls. I often refer to late summer as Ugly Duck Season. Hooded Merganser Numbers Increasing. Peak of fall waterfowl migration. Male has white, fan-shaped, black-bordered crest, blackish body with dull rusty flanks, and white breast with 2 black stripes down side. 2009). Spotted Sandpiper. Hooded Mergansers w (Dugger et al. The trees wait, patiently, not putting out too many buds too early. The Hooded Merganser was the fifth most frequently reported waterfowl species in the state during the atlas, behind the Canada Goose, Mallard, Wood Duck, and Blue-winged Teal. Hooded Merganser: This small merganser has black upperparts, white underparts with two black bars on side of breast, and red-brown flanks. The range map depicts the boundary of the species's range, defined as the areas where the species is estimated to occur within at least one week within each season. Waterfowl Identification. Less common: Black-crowned night heron. Like other mergansers, they have a long serrated bill for grasping and handling live prey. They know there will be . This site uses cookies to improve your experience and to help show content that is more relevant to your interests. As we near Thanksgiving, many new signs point to a change in seasons. Hooded Merganser (male/female pair) The lake is accommodating plenty of Ring-necked Ducks right now. Timing and Routes of Migration. Nine membranes from hatched eggs and one unhatched egg. Migration Status. Learn more. Mallard. The male in breeding plumage has a white belly, breast, and flanks with a gray rump and black back. Average length: M 15", F 13". The young hatch after about 30-35 days. Now is the time to seek out local nesters. There are maps showing them as summer residents in the northern third of the state and winter residents in the lower eastern section. Migrant and wintering birds are usually found in small flocks throughout the state and are present from late October through early May. In western North America this species breeds from southeastern Alaska to Oregon, Idaho and Montana. Female buffleheads lay an average of 9 eggs. Waterfowl Migration in Autumn. Range: Pre-breeding migration. . Hooded mergansers can be found in all four flyways. Diet and Foraging. When the young merganser hatches, it jumps from its nest, floating to the ground, and heads off in the direction of the closest water. Sources and Additional Information. Adult males are a sight to behold, with sharp black-and-white patterns set off by chestnut flanks. This Gadwall is already starting to molt into his dull summer alternate plumage. It seems a little early for ducks to be losing their sharp breeding colors. Published by the Smithsonian Institution between the 1920s and the 1950s, the Bent life history series of monographs provide an often colorful description of the birds of North America. Migration in the Metro Area last night was light to moderate, but to the north, in the Puget Sound area, there was a heavy flow of birds across the Straights. Small numbers of Hooded Mergansers may have once bred in the Truckee River region. As the cold temperatures take hold waterways such as ponds, lakes, river and streams become partially or completely covered with ice. Family: (Anatidae) Ducks, Geese, and Swans. This duck is the smallest merganser commonly found in Washington. Niche: In some areas, competition for nest sites among hooded merganser, goldeneyes, and wood duck results in mixed clutches. Bent Life History of the Hooded Merganser. DISTRIBUTION: Oberholser (1974) describes the occurrence of the . Hooded Merganser: This small merganser has black upperparts, white underparts with two black bars on side of breast, and red-brown flanks. Food Selection and Storage. Hooded Merganser: Faroese: Sagont: Finnish: harjakoskelo: French: . An adult weights about 620 grams (1.4 lbs) and is 40-50 cm (16-20 in.) The white crown on its head is the main identifying characteristic of this duck. We checked the nest box on May 18th and the young were ready to jump out. Hooded mergansers can fly at speeds approaching 80 kph (50 mph). The hooded merganser lives in and near lakes, sloughs, ponds and rivers. The Bent series is a great resource and often includes . . Hooded mergansers prefer forested wetland systems, where they nest in tree cavities or nest boxes and lay an average of 9-11 eggs. Arthur Cleveland Bent was the lead author for the series. Dark wings have white shoulder patch visible in flight. Hooded mergansers are also diving ducks, but they nest in cavities. Ninety percent of the population is believed to breed from Manitoba westward. 453-879 g. LENGTH. . 1994). Compare the plumage with the hooded merganser pictured below. The crest shows a large white patch when raised; white stripe extends backwards from eye when lowered. Hooded Mergansers are fairly common on small ponds and rivers, where they dive for fish, crayfish, and other food, seizing it in their . Buffleheads are cavity-nesting ducks and prefer to nest near lakes and deep ponds with associated temperate woodlands. We're here to help you plan your next hunting adventure. An immature male Hooded Merganser and a Ringneck Duck enjoying the late winter / early spring weather in Tucson, Arizona before beginning their spring northward migration. Seasonal Occurrence: Uncommon in winter.. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. December Eagles often seen perched on leafless . Feeds on fish and aquatic insects. Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) Hooded mergansers have an exaggerated crest and a bold black and white pattern with chestnut flanks. Hooded Merganser preening at Fernhill Wetlands. Each species account is written by leading ornithologists and provides detailed information on bird distribution, migration, habitat, diet, sounds, behavior, breeding, current population status, and conservation. Title Hooded Merganser Range - CWHR B104 [ds1437] Publication date 2016-02-0100:00:00 Presentation . long; males are larger than females. Tag Archives: Hooded Merganser 12 October 2015 - PNW Migration Update. Fortunately for wildlife enthusiasts of all stripes, Hooded Mergansers are widely distributed in North America and, though rarely abundant, can be found almost anywhere there is fresh water during the spring migration. The hooded merganser is the smallest of the three merganser species occurring in North America. Elevation: 826 ft. Latin: Lophodytes cucullatus . Males leave the breeding grounds in mid-summer on their molt migration, but the destinations are not known. It is one sharp bird, particularly the male with his dramatic black face, golden eye and brilliant, white crest, the "hood" in the hooded merganser. Most of the Hooded Mergansers that breed in the upper Midwest migrate along the Mississippi River. General Description. Photo by Mark Martin

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