the equal time rule requires which of the following?

Essentially, equal time requires that, if a broadcast station gives one candidate free time, all other candidates can get the same amount of free time (see our article here). Equal-dignities rule refers to a legal doctrine requiring an agent to perform all acts authorized by a principal. C. does figure in the calculation of income tax liability on cash flows from an investment. to equal time. Priming. asked Oct 8, 2015 in Political Science by 123BDA. The FCC requires broadcasters to provide individuals the right to respond to personal attacks, which is known as the: right of rebuttal: Which of the following events do the authors not use to illustrate the power of the media in U.S. politics? framing. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., holds his new . Responsibilities. Cable operators were also required to maintain certain records and to file annual reports with the Commission concerning general statistics, employment, and finances. The Equal Time Rule. The Deckhand is directly accountable to the Master/Mate. c. Casual/seasonal employees are not eligible to receive Equal Time during an SWCE. The fact that the media referred to the Obama administration's health care initiative as "reform" instead of as "health care rationing" is an example of the media's power of. The 1934 Act has been amended many times. Equal Time Points for Navigators [AFM 51-40, page 24-9.] The rules state that if a station gives free airtime to one candidate, it has to offer an equivalent amount of free time to all . There are several exceptions to the equal-time rule; temporary suspension ofthe equal time rule expired after the 1960 election and remained in force without substantial modification for 16 years. Nor did the Fairness Doctrine require that, when the president made a TV or radio speech on a controversial issue, the opposite political party be given equal time (74 AmJur 2d 154 citing Democratic National Committee v. FCC, 460 F2d 891, cert. is determined. Section 312 [47 U.S.C. Employees in Benefits-eligible Positions (both Exempt and Non-exempt) who are required to and do work on a Holiday (other than a Personal Preference Holiday) shall receive equal time off (not to exceed 8 hours), which shall be scheduled at the mutual convenience of the Employee and the employing unit. Law360 (January 14, 2022, 1:05 PM EST) -- Ranbaxy Inc. is urging a Boston federal judge to give it equal time to defend itself in an upcoming "bet the company" trial with tens of . It is also called the "equal opportunity provision". Planned Value (PV) refers to what the project should be worth at this point in the schedule.It is also referred as BCWS (Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled). We operate a fleet of 9 vessels which include 6 very modern Z-drive ship docking tugs. The party opposing the motion is entitled to equal time; therefore, a party requesting hearing time should determine how much time he or she needs and then double the estimate when calling for hearing time, or, alternatively (and preferably), confer with opposing counsel and agree regarding the time required. Equal-Dignities Rule Law and Legal Definition. In 1987, the FCC abolished the fairness doctrine, prompting some to urge its reintroduction through . The equal time rule required that the media _____. You calculate the time to configure each computer as 5 hours. Political Broadcast Rules. The equal time rule requires broadcasters to provide candidates for the same political office equal opportunities to communicate to the public The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is not responsible for regulating which of the following sources of news content? Yes, really. a "reasonable" percentage of air time to a fair discussion of public issues This Fairness Doctrine was an FCC regulation that required stations to devote __________. As such, equal time would not be awarded where the underlying communication was itself neither sought nor requested by a party. The act required broadcasters who aired programs on controversial issues to provide time for opposing views. Donald Trump gets twice as much news coverage as the other candidates for . paras. Other terms that are used include quadratic for O(n2) tasks, and cubic for O(n3) algorithms. meeting within the meaning of the equal time rule. I made the following changes: I have just modified one external link on Equal-time rule. Why did the Federal Communications Commission stop enforcing the Fairness Doctrine quizlet? d. Alternate or Compressed Schedules: Essential Employees regularly scheduled to work more than 7.5- or 8.0-hour days shall, when required to work during an SWCE, receive Equal Time equal to that received by Essential Employees not The cost for labor is calculated at $500 each computer. Although the personal attack and equal time provisions are codified in 47 C.F.R. 89-90. the equal time rule requires broadcasters to provide the president with an equal amount of coverage as congress. What Is Required Of Broadcast Stations Under The Equal-time Rule Quizlet? He did not believe that KMTR violated FCC equal-time rules, which exempt interviews with candidates on regular news programs. If a player arrives late, the following rules apply: • If arriving before the end of period 1 = required to play 2 full uninterrupted quarters. Id. or Critical Point (C.P.) There are four exceptions to the equal-time rule. " EQUAL TIME" REQUIREMENTS all radio stations present at least five . A notice of proposed rulemaking was previously issued on February 24, 2016. The FCC eliminated the policy in 1987 and removed the rule that implemented the policy from the Federal Register in August 2011. . The equal time rule requires broadcasters to provide equal access to the airwaves to all legally qualified for a given political office during election campaigns. Equality under the law is a uniquely American principle, one that no freedom-loving person would oppose, but the manner in which said principle is currently applied to the issue of child custody . If the airing was within a documentary, bona fide news interview, scheduled newscast, or an on-the-spot news event, the equal-time rule does not apply. Cable television operators who originated programming were subject to equal time, sponsorship identification and other provisions similar to rules applicable to broadcasters. The equal-time rules are distinct from the "Fairness Doctrine"—the now-defunct FCC policy that was reviled by conservatives and required stations to air opposing views on important issues. The final rule requires certain employers to electronically submit to OSHA the injury and illness information that they are already required to keep under existing regulations. When media coverage affects the way the public evaluates a political leader in future actions, this effect is called. equal time rule: This is often on a "week about" basis, meaning during school term time, the children spend one week with one parent and then the following week with the other parent. a. denying candidates equal time to speak during debates. The equal time off alternative Holiday should be scheduled within the The fairness doctrine of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, was a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that fairly reflected differing viewpoints. How Donald Trump Proves the Equal Time Rule Is a Joke. If a radio or television station sells air time to one candidate, the rule states that it must offer to sell the same amount of time to other candidates for that office. The following is an example of a case law describing equal time doctrine: Equal time doctrine has been described as a "contingent right of access"; it does not require a licensee to offer time to any candidate, but once a candidate is permitted to use the station, the station must provide other candidates with equal time at an equal rate, at a . The final rule also includes several new anti-retaliation provisions that provide new protections for employees reporting work-related injuries and illnesses. Is the Fairness Doctrine still in effect? Your Project Sponsor disagrees with your labor estimate. gain the status of an issue that broadcasters were required to cover. Over the course of nearly 40 years, the FCC has required broadcasters to provide programming that is balanced. (This is the manual Air Force navigators used back in the days the Air Force needed navigators to cross an ocean. Under the equal-time doctrine, a broadcast station that allows a legally qualified candidate for public office to use its facilities for their campaign must grant an equal opportunity . hydrograph are proportiona l to the volume of runoff if the time and areal distribution of the rainfall are similar (fig. The "equal time for us" reference in the SNL tweet would appear to be to the Federal Communications Commission's equal time (technically "equal opportunities") rule, which requires that local stations (and radio stations and cable outlets) that provide non-news airtime to qualified federal candidates have to give other candidates an equal opportunity for equivalent airtime. The 1927 rule applies to everything but news. This includes physically forcing the opponent off the puck and with no effort to legally play . Save Question 58 (1 point) The Fairness Doctrine required that Question 58 options: all network news reports be balanced and fair-minded or they would be labeled editorials. The demise of various extensions of the Doctrine followed, including the political attack rule and the Zapple Doctrine, which required quasi-equal time (if supporters of one candidate were sold ad . One that is O(log n) is called logarithmic. In order to comply with the equal time rule, broadcasters must provide equal access to the airwaves to all legally qualified candidates for public office. A task that requires the same amount of time regardless of the input size is described as O(1), or "constant time". There has been a recent trend toward diversification of national news as conglomerates have come to own a . Question - 1 Your company has been hired to configure software in 500 computers. LAWS AND RULES (Reissue) January 25, 1982. Proposed change lacks support of full caucus. § 73.123 (1967), "the more sweeping implications of the 'fairness. The equal-time rule specifies that U.S. radio and television broadcast stations must provide an equivalent opportunity to any opposing political candidates who request it. A unit hydrograph is a hydrogr aph for a specific time period of rainfall excess (runoff) and uniform distribution and whose volume of runoff is equal to one inch of water over the entire watershed. The federal equal time rule requires broadcasters to treat a candidate for the same political office identically to every other candidate for that office. use standard sampling techniques and good question formation: One exception to _____ allows a station to exclude a minor-party candidate from a political debate. If by written agreement or court order both parents are entitled to joint legal decision-making or parenting time and both parents reside in the state, at least forty-five days' advance written notice shall be provided to the other parent before a parent . Equal Time Rule. On January 3, 2017, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC or Commission) issued a final rule to amend the regulations implementing Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 501). Access to society journal content varies across our titles. It is also called the "equal opportunity provision". However, the Fairness Doctrine is different from the Equal Time rule, which is still in force and requires equal time be given to legally qualified political candidates. This is the point from which the continuation of the flight to the destination would require the same time as the return flight to the point of departure (or between any two points on your flight plan A & B). 5). The show was already taken off the air in many markets due to the Federal Communications Commission's "equal time" rule, which requires television broadcasters to afford all political . homogenization of national news as conglomerates have come to own a larger and larger percentage of media outlets. Equal-dignities rule is essentially a corollary to the statute of frauds. viewpoints are represented in some way." What is the Fairness Doctrine quizlet? Communications Act Section 315 (also known as the Equal Time Rule) requires broadcasters to give equal opportunity for airtime to all political candidates. a rule of Federal Communications Commission that if a broadcaster endorses a candidate, the opposing candidate has a right to reply fairness doctrine a former rule of the federal communications commission (FCC) that required broadcasters to give time to opposing views if they broadcast a program giving one side of a controversial issue Equal time refers to a parenting arrangement for separated parents whereby children spend the same (or close to the same) amount of time with each parent. Pages 35 ; Ratings 100% (13) 13 out of 13 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 13 - 16 out of 35 pages.preview shows page 13 - 16 out of 35 pages. The equal-time rule was created due to concerns that broadcast stations could easily manipulate the outcome of elections by presenting just one point of view and excluding other candidates. The equal time rule prohibits television stations from doing which of the following? A task that requires the same amount of time regardless of the input size is described as O(1), or "constant time". independent candidates with free campaign commercials when they are … Two years ago, we wrote about a Declaratory Ruling issued by the FCC's Media Bureau which addressed many of these issues. By Brian Dowling. Project Cost Management is a group of processes required to ensure the project is completed within the approved budget. Regulation that requires that broadcasters provide candidates with an opportunity to respond to criticisms made against them . Although bills were introduced to remedy the situation in all three election years, Congre88 in each case did not enact legislation to revoke or suspend the equal time rule. 1. Section 315(a) of the Communications Act and Section 73.1941 of the Commission's rules require that if a station allows a legally qualified candidate for any public office to use its facilities (i.e., make a positive identifiable appearance on the air for at least four seconds), it must give equal opportunities to all other candidates for . doctrine' cannot be found in any This quiz and worksheet allow . are required to and do work on a Holiday (other than a Personal Preference Holiday) shall receive equal time off (not to exceed 8 hours), which shall be scheduled at the mutual convenience of the Employee and the employing unit. It was established to prevent media manipulation of elections and to make sure that no one candidate gets favoured. The Fairness Doctrine is distinct from the equal time rule. Communication technology has changed dramatically during the FCC's history. viewpoints are represented in some way." Does the FCC regulate news? . 25-408.Rights of each parent; parenting time; relocation of child; exception; enforcement; access to prescription medication and records . the time requested. The Federal Communications Commission's equal time provision requires stations to treat legally qualified political candidates equally in terms of the broadcast time they sell or give away. Few Important points You can expect five to ten questions related to Earned Value Management. The Museum of Broadcast History calls the "equal time" rule "the closest thing in broadcast content regulation to the 'golden rule'." This provision of the 1934 Communications Act (section 315) "requires radio and television stations and cable systems which originate their own programming to treat legally qualified political candidates equally when it comes to selling or giving away air time." Therefore, the Fairness Doctrine was distinct from the so-called "equal time" rule, which requires broadcasters to grant equal time to qualified candidates for public office, because the Fairness Doctrine applied to a much broader range of topics. Under the "Fairness Doctrine," broadcasters must allow for rebuttal of controversial viewpoints. 4. 13. The "Equal Time Rule" requires broadcasters to provide an equal opportunity to candidates seeking political office. If you have access to a journal via a society or association membership, please browse to your society journal, select an article to view, and follow the instructions in this box. candidates for the same political office equal opportunities to communicate to the public. A related provision, in §315(b), requires that broadcasters offer time to candidates at the same rate as their "most favored advertiser". e. Following passage of the act, several mergers between telephone and cable companies produced a greater concentration of media ownership. Section 315 of the Communications Act is known as the equal opportunities requirement (commonly referred to as the "equal time" rule). • If arriving after the start of period 2 = required to play in 1 full quarter in the second half. A task that is O(n) is termed a linear time task. Democrats tie 'talking filibuster' gambit to Senate's two-speech rule. But bona fide news and news interview programs are exempt from equal time, and the FCC has taken an expansive view of that exception (see our articles here and here ). The Communications Act. §312] Administrative sanctions. denied 409 U.S. 843). Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 45203, if a school district establishes a position or class of positions for which employees are required to work exclusively on weekends and holidays, and for which a special salary rate is established that recognizes the exclusive weekend and holiday peculiarity, the employees and . One that is O(log n) is called logarithmic. All computers need equal time to configure. equal time rule d. right of rebuttal e. An agent can perform those acts only if the agent's authority is set forth in writing. broadcasters who aired controversial issues provide time for opposing viewpoints. D. all (a), (b) and (c). Other terms that are used include quadratic for O(n2) tasks, and cubic for O(n3) algorithms. First Amendment . To maintain a license, stations are required to meet a number of criteria. all regulated newspapers establish a section of the editorial page for letters from readers. The equal time rule requires that the electronic media a. include all presidential candidates in any political debates they host b. cover both liberal and conservative positions on a given issue c. sell advertising time to all candidates if they sell it to any candidate d. cover both Democratic and Republican positions on a given issue The FCC was created by Congress in the Communications Act for the purpose of "regulating interstate and foreign commerce in communication by wire and radio so as to make available, so far as possible, to all the people of the United States, without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex, a rapid, efficient, Nation-wide, and world .

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the equal time rule requires which of the following?

the equal time rule requires which of the following?





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the equal time rule requires which of the following?

the equal time rule requires which of the following?


























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the equal time rule requires which of the following?

the equal time rule requires which of the following?

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