you are driving too slowly if quizlet

The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cellphones and driving is: Use hands-free devices so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel. C. Let the vehicle slow down. The speed limit is: Try Permit Tet Questions: 5. Driving at slower speeds than traffic flow may impede other vehicles on the road that are traveling at normal and safe speeds You should stay to the right if you are traveling slower than the rest of the traffic The tailgating vehicle is a hazard to you because braking suddenly may result in the tailgater hitting you from the rear You are driving in the left lane and many cars are passing you on the right. B. Avoid these mistakes when driving around large trucks: Cutting off a truck in traffic or on the highway to reach an exit or turn. If you are driving on a road with three or more lanes in your direction, you must stay _____ except when passing another vehicle. Explanation: The driver's blood, breath, urine, or other bodily substances may be tested by law enforcement for the purpose of determining if you are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you are being followed too closely while driving you should slow or stop before entering the acceleration lane or expressway. Wiki User ∙ 2013-10-13 01:16:17 the lane will be closed farther ahead. What are the steps for making a smooth stop? Looking at the misty rain and fog (pictured above), explain at least two defensive driving techniques you would utilize to adjust your driving and lower your risk. B.) A basic indemnity (or fixed cash benefit) plan that offers some coverage with a significantly lower insurance premium. When driving under adverse weather conditions. 4. B. You are driving in the left lane of a multi-lane expressway, and you come up behind a car that is going too slow. When you come to a corner where there are no traffic lights or stop signs, you should: Slow down, so you can stop, if necessary. An RV driver must be continually aware of the traffic around the vehicle because directional changes are slower and the RV needs more space in traffic. EXPLANATION: 1. If you are being followed too closely while driving, you should: Slow down and keep to the right, allowing the following vehicle to pass. Texas Defensive Driving test - wheels in motion quiz answers unit 1, unit 2, unit 3, unit 4, unit 5, unit 6. When driving slowly disrupts the normal flow of traffic. Slow down to the speed that allows you to have complete control of your vehicle.B. 4.5/5 (103 Views . You must notify the DMB within ___ days of selling your vehicle. Explanation: Your headlights cover about 350 feet ahead. You should: Answers Drive in any lane. Condition of the Car. The slow car does not move into the right lane when they can. You could save an average of $300 on your car insurance if you switch insurance companies. When driving at night, it is most important for you to A. DRIVING SLOWLY IN FRONT OF TRAFFIC IN THE FAR LEFT (FAST) LANE ON ANY FREEWAY: A. • If you are followed too closely or "tailgated" by another driver, and there Take turns more slowly than usual. Hold the steering wheel firmly. When driving in fog, you can see better by: 6.1 What is the violation of Vehicle Code 40508 VC. 19. You are driving a delivery truck that is less than 40 years old, with net weight of 22,500 pounds. 5g. Sometimes, you can be so busy worrying about speeding that you end up going too slow. Keep a safe following distance behind the slower car and be patient. Drive within the range of your headlights. Stop turning and brake harder. When coupling, if you park the trailer at an angle, _______. Rates that reward you fro your safe driving. Slowing suddenly can cause a traffic crash. b) They keep you from being thrown from the vehicle in the event of an accident. the lane will be closed farther ahead. Blind spots should be checked periodically while you are driving, especially while taking off from a parked position, changing lanes, or when motorcycles or other smaller vehicles are near. crossing, you should never drive on the left side of the roadway within: When choosing your driving speed, the most important things to consider are: When driving behind another vehicle, how much driving time should you maintain between yourself and the car ahead? Diagrams . C. Be ready to brake more quickly. a minimum of three seconds. SLOW MOVING TRAFFIC Some vehicles cannot travel very fast, or have trouble keeping up with the speed of traffic. • When you have to drive so slowly that you slow down other vehicles, pull to the side of the road when it is safe to do so, and let them pass. Term. 14 The Large Truck Crash . No, you can block traffic when you drive too slowly. Otherwise, your braking should . 10. 38) You are driving a heavy vehicle. Saves lives by causing others to slow down too B. 10-15. Good vision is important for safe driving and avoiding accidents. If you're at highway speeds it may be advisable to scrap your car against the guard rail or divider using the friction to slow the car down. You should: Stop and let him/her finish crossing the street. Share the road with large trucks. d) They prevent head injuries, helping you remain conscious . B.) Refusal may also be used against you in Traveling on a road with no median. 5 Essential Vehicle Checks […] Explanation. There is traffic in the oncoming lane and there is a guardrail on your right. When you follow the 3-second rule, you'll always stay focused on the car or truck in front of you. B. 100 feet. You could be cited by police for "driving too fast for the conditions". Get the Correct ANSWER. Driving too fast for conditions is defined as traveling at a speed that is greater than a reasonable standard for safe driving. Even with a green light, it is illegal to go through an intersection if: A.) slow or stop before entering the acceleration lane or expressway. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated 1 in 25 drivers have fallen asleep while driving in the past 30 days.. Drowsy driving is arguably as dangerous as driving drunk, although severely under reported. Approaching drivers who are driving too close to the center of the road while driving through a curve may put you in danger of a head-on collision. C. Be ready to brake more quickly. Following another car. 5d. When driving on a highway at night, you should never use your high-beam headlights if you are: Slowing down for a turn. You are driving at the speed limit in the right lane of a multi lane expressway a speeding car comes up behind you the driver honks their horn and makes a rude gesture when they pass you you should: change lanes when safe and let the car pass. 9. . 23 Votes) When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curb, your front wheels should be: Turned to the right (toward the street). Defensive Driving Safety Course Answers - Unit 8 Test, Quiz 2. Good vision allows you to identify potential hazards and react more quickly. Only on dark streets. Can frustrate other drivers and make them angry C. Cannot result in a traffic citation It is illegal to drive so slowly that you disrupt the normal flow of traffic. Aggressive driving includes speeding, which often leads to following too closely, frequent or quick lane changes without a signal, passing on the shoulder or parts of the roadway that are not paved or being a nuisance to motorists, bicyclists or pedestrians, who don't get out of the way. The road to more saving awaits. Breathe deep. Added 3/29/2020 2:46:14 PM. Don't turn the steering wheel too much but just enough to avoid obstacles. 100 percent. If this happens, slow down and calmly steer your vehicle back onto the road. Be sure to approach them more slowly in slippery conditions than you . Hard braking should only ever be used in emergency situations. When driving in fog, you can see better by: Failure to move over may result in a fine or a ticket. You'll need more space the faster you're driving, so keep that in mind. When can you use a three-point turn? A.) If you block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic by driving too slowly, you may receive a ticket. What is the arm signal for a left turn? C. Impeding traffic, driving too slowly Six points will be assessed for unlawful speed resulting in a crash. When entering an expressway in the acceleration lane you should quizlet? If you see orange construction signs and cones on a highway, you must: Be on the look-out for signs, workers, and equipment ahead. The Georgia "Slowpoke Law" mandates that if a faster car approaches you while you're driving in the left lane on a highway, you must move out of the way even if you are going the speed limit. If you're driving significantly below the speed limit, you're going to . You may even see highway signs that state "Slower traffic, move right.". Braking too hard. Drowsy driving is more common than you think. If you do this, come in at a shallow angle and gently rub the car against it. When should I check my blind spot? Drive in the right lane, except to pass. You should Always slow down by five too ten miles per hour to make it easier for them to pass. Many years ago, crossing hands on a driving test would almost certainly fail the test. Law stating you may not drive faster than is safe and prudent for existing conditions, regardless of posted speed limits. The vehicle's owner's manual will have information about where the apparatus to turn the lights on and off is located, as well as instructions on how to use the vehicle's high beams. into the right lane when it is safe. Your eyes do the steering, so you need to look ahead to where you want to go. Continue driving at the speed limit. Other two-lane roads sometimes have passing lanes. Right turn? Click to read full answer. You deserve better auto insurance. In your mirror, you see a car approaching from the rear. Get the correct ANSWER. Drive in the left lane, except to pass. D. Watch for cars at intersections. Term. You are driving on a two-lane road and are being followed by a car that wants to pass you. Where should you never make a three-point turn? . There is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane ahead. 47. [ Keep a safe following distance behind the slower car, and be patient. Never cut in front of a truck. If it starts to drizzle while you are driving, you should do which of the following? When driving at night, it is most important for you to A. Drivers should be within the posted speed limit, but not so slowly that they block the flow of traffic, except when necessary for safety reasons. you signal your intentions before turning your car. should plan for fuel, food, and rest. a) They are not necessary if your vehicle has an air bag. Distracted driving is a major contributor to accidents and in many cases is the result of illegal activity, which of the following is not considered distracted driving: A. 10 percent. Following too closely may be defined as, "situations in which one vehicle is following another vehicle so closely that even if the following driver is attentive to the actions of the vehicle ahead he/she could not avoid a collision in the circumstance when the driver in front brakes suddenly." 14. There are five important points to know about driving too slowly in California. The following signs will help you to spot a impaired driver A Driving too slow and weaving B Driving with the windows down on a cold night C All of the above? When you are merging onto the freeway, you should be driving: You are driving 55 mph in the far left (fast) lane of a freeway posted for 65 mph. Checking and sending text messages B. Category: automotive driverless cars. Use your high beams at all times. Cutting into the open space in front of a truck is dangerous. You must signal continuously during the last ___ feet before making a left turn. This would make it quite a sharp curve, so be prepared to slow down, especially if you are a learner motorbike rider as there could be other hazards such as wet road markings or gravel in the road. Change lanes quickly. You should always slow to 10 mph. If cars are passing you, it's time to speed up. Impeding traffic, driving too slowly. You are driving on an Interstate highway in bad weather, and you do not feel safe at the speed limit. You are driving on a road with two or more lanes traveling in the same direction. You could be cited for driving too slowly: If you block the normal and reasonable flow of traffic . Don't follow too closely. Change lanes one at a time until you are in the proper lane. Two things happen if you ignore a ticket for driving too slowly. Give more space for larger vehicles, and do your best to avoid distractions so you're not involved in a possibly dangerous collision. A lack of__________is a major factor in traffic crashes. C.) Driver's Physical Condition. You must exit a highway using an off ramp that curves downhill. 5e. You are driving on a dry road, and it begins to rain. You may receive a citation for driving too slowly. You do not have enough room to slow down behind them. 5i. 5h. Defensive driving requires all drivers to think ahead. crossing, you should never drive on the left side of the roadway within: When choosing your driving speed, the most important things to consider are: When driving behind another vehicle, how much driving time should you maintain between yourself and the car ahead? If you approach a traffic light with a red signal and a police officer directs you too go through the intersection without stopping, you should: * Stop until the light turns green * Stop until the light turns yellow * Go through the intersection without stopping Only when driving in rural areas. The car does not move into the right lane when they can. You need to have good visual acuity, peripheral vision, depth perception, and glare resistance and recovery. Trucks require more time to stop because they can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds. What are the 5 most important vehicle checks before driving off? 5 Essential Vehicle Checks […] B. Lv 7. Drive within the range of your headlights. Avoid over-correcting or . 48. Driver's Attitude. Slow down smoothly before you turn. Question 4 Stella is driving in the far right lane of a multi-lane road, but she needs to make a left turn that's coming up in 50 feet. You should Remain calm. If you think that a tire has blown out, what should you do in stopping? If you follow any closer than 3 seconds, you'll be tailgating the person in front of you, like a big jerk. Quizlet Learn. C. Driving too fast for road conditions. If you spot these vehicles early, you have time to change lanes or slow down safely. Explanation. B.) Turn harder and brake harder. You need to have good visual acuity, peripheral vision, depth perception, and glare resistance and recovery. c) They prevent a human collision by holding you in place. If you're moving more slowly than other traffic, don't drive in the fast (left) lane. 13 Examples of conditions where drivers may find themselves driving too fast include: wet roadways (rain, snow, or ice), reduced visibility (fog), uneven roads, construction zones, curves, intersections, gravel roads, and heavy traffic. Many people accelerate too slowly and merge into traffic slower than the normal traffic flow. Do all of those you share the roadway with a favor and increase to traffic speed as quickly as possible, and find a gap to fit into early in your merge. Can you be issued a ticket for driving too slowly? B.) Driving examiners do of course know this too and do permit crossing the hands on a driving test. You should Remain calm. Note: We have highlighted your correct answers in green, and your incorrect answers in red Question: 1 If you are over-driving your headlights and you see an object ahead, you will_____.Correct: not be able to stop in time to miss the objectQuestion: 2 Light trucks have a high center of gravity which increases their susceptibility to_____.Correct: roll overQuestion: 3 If an approaching driver . # 1. A. a minimum of three seconds. While it can be useful to keep up with the news while you're commuting to work or running errands, be aware of how you feel when the news turns negative. Eating while driving C. Driving 2-3 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you It's why you should make it a point to try and pass a person if they're driving slower than they should be in front of you. If you see slow down signs telling you about highway construction, make sure to follow them. Good vision is important for safe driving and avoiding accidents. Explanation: Your headlights cover about 350 feet ahead. Your driver's license or driving privileges will be suspended for a minimum of one year for refusing a police officer's request to take such a test. It is important that you drive at a speed that allows you to react and stop safely within that distance. Give more space for larger vehicles, and do your best to avoid distractions so you're not involved in a possibly dangerous collision. Follow closely behind a large truck. C.) road is clear to proceed your car. This is even more important for RV drivers than for drivers of passenger vehicles. Sometimes you may have to go slowly. You should have your vision checked and wear prescription lenses when necessary. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. When driving through a work zone. Checking and sending text messages B. Driving too slowly can also be dangerous and illegal. There are turnout areas on some two-lane roads you could use. C. Whenever it is legal and safe. Often these signs will have a speed limit posted along with a fine if you violate the warning. The next time you check your mirror you do not see the car. you could damage the landing gear. If you pass the same point before you finish counting, you are following too closely. Carefully cross all the lanes at one time. The slow car does not move into the right lane when they can you should Weegy: You are driving in the left lane of a multi-lane expressway, and you come up behind a car that is going too slow. Can you cross your arms when turning? If you are driving 45 mph in a 55 mph speed zone in dense fog: A.) Avoid driving between midnight and 6 a.m. Take a break at a safety rest area or travel information center. If it takes you 3-5 seconds to pass an object after the car ahead of you has passed it, you're at a safe following distance. When driving on slick roads, you should: Answers. Slow down because the rain will loosen oil and gravel on the road. Distracted driving is a major contributor to accidents and in many cases is the result of illegal activity, which of the following is not considered distracted driving: A.

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